STS Security Modules
The STS Edition 2 Security Modules include the following
with STS65V1x firmware
This a TSM250 USB security module only, and is used for STS Edition 2 (base date 1993 and 2014) vending. The Vending System must be designed in accordance with IEC 62055 -41 and 62055-51, and must be tested in accordance with the STS compliance test specifications for Vending Systems STS 531-1. Prism supplies the security module and developed the STS6 API Specification (now an STS Standard).
Complete the solution by adding PrismToken or PrismVend.

with STS64V1x firmware.
This a TSM500i NSS security module only, and is used for STS Edition 2 (base date 1993 and 2014) vending. The Vending System must be designed in accordance with IEC 62055 -41 and 62055-51, and must be tested in accordance with the STS compliance test specifications for Vending Systems STS 531-1. Prism supplies the security module and developed the STS6 API Specification (now an STS Standard).
Complete the solution by adding PrismToken or PrismVend which can run on the NSS.

with STS64M1x firmware.
This a TSM500i NSS security module only, and is used for STS Edition 2 (base date 1993 and 2014) meter manufacturing. Prism supplies the security module and developed the STS6 API Specification (now an STS Standard).

STS Prepayment Solutions/
Payment (EFT) HSM Solutions

+27 31 267 5500

6 Sookhai Place, Westville,
South Africa
STS Prepayment Solutions/
Payment (EFT) HSM Solutions

+27 31 267 5500

6 Sookai Place, Westville,
Kwazulu Natal,
South Africa